Watch Aperipe Aracaju Live TV from Brazil

Watch Aperipe Aracaju Live TV from Brazil
Lifestyle TV Channel / The Aperipê TV is a station public of television based in Aracaju, SE. Operates on VHF channel 2. It is affiliated to TV Cultura. From 1985 to 2007, he rebroadcast the program of the extinct TVE Brasil, when on December 2, 2007, it changed name to TV Brasil. The station is the only one in Sergipe to send the signals to its retransmitters from the interior of the satellite state. During a few days in June, the TV Aperipê transmits Forró Caju, an important junina party of the state of Sergipe, held in the Market Square in the center of Aracaju. In 2015 it was no different. The TV Aperipê transmitted once again the celebrations Juninos of Sergipe, but, this time the transmission was in Arraial of the People, located in the Waters of Atalaia. In 2016, Aperipê TV leaves TV Brasil to pass on being to broadcast the programming of TV Cultura de São Paulo as the new affiliate in Sergipe. Local TV from Aracaju

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