Watch ATV Avrupa Live TV from Turkey

Watch ATV Avrupa Live TV from Turkey
General TV Channel / ATV is one of the national television channels broadcasting in Turkey within the Turkuvaz Media Group. The national channel, which broadcasts in all of Turkey, has come to the forefront with series films in general. The general editor of the channel is Metin Ergen. Turkey ‘the 90s the “state television” monopoly Turgut Özal’s initiative to break the post-opening to the private sector in the television field belongs to the state several channels together for 20 August 1992 Satel (Morning Television) with the name Dinç Bilgin founded by, The company has received the name Morning and Television. The first anchorman of the channel was Güneri Civaoğlu. As of July 12, 1993, it is broadcasting under the name of ATV with its current name.

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