Watch Barinas TV Live TV from Venezuela

Watch Barinas TV Live TV from Venezuela

General TV Channel / BARINAS TV – It is born of the need to have a responsible, creative, innovative and dignified communication medium that allows the dissemination of values of humanism, dissemination of images, ideas and specific contents of the Baranese region.

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Barinas TV is a Venezuelan regional television station based in the city of Barinas, Barinas State

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Barinas TV. Tu Televisora – Educar, Informar y Entretener es Nuestra Misión.

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BARINAS TV – Nace de la necesidad de contar con un medio de comunicación responsable y creativo.


Medio de Comunicación Responsable, Creativo, Innovador y Digno, que Permite Difundir Valores propios del humanismo.

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