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Watch BF1 TV Live TV from Burkina Faso

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Watch BF1 TELEVISION Live TV from Burkina Faso

General TV Channel / BF1, is a private general and commercial television channel in Burkina Faso, a country in West Africa. BF1 is the abbreviation of Burkina Faso 1er. The channel belongs to the Global Communication press group. It has been ranked as the number one TV audience in Burkina Faso since 2019. The channel is locally and globally accessible via satellite on channel 251 of the Canal+ bouquet, via DTT and Internet.

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BF1 touches the different interests of Burkinabè people with a particular emphasis on content related to education, economics, politics and entrepreneurship. Television wants to be close to the population and especially young people who constitute its main target.

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Bienvenue sur la page officielle de la télévision BF1, première audience télé au Burkina Faso. La télévision BF1 se donne pour mission l’information, l’éducation et le divertissement. 1ère audience télé au Burkina Faso

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Bienvenue sur la page officielle de #BF1TV, première chaine de télévision privée burkinabè.

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