Watch Bible Discovery TV Network Live TV from USA

Watch Bible Discovery TV Network – Quick Study TV Live TV from USA

Religious TV Channel / Bible Discovery is a broadcast studio and new-media network for international ministries. From social issues and apologetics to history and science, our ambition is to provide a multimedia platform to educate, edify and encourage the believer to think.

As an international ministry and media resource centre we are called to embolden the exploration of truth through the production and publication of definitive resources in television, radio, digital and print material. Bible Discovery TV Network (BDTV) is the on-line media center proclaiming the truth about Jesus Christ to those who are eager for more.

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Join Rod, Janice, Corie and Ryan Hembree as they study the Bible on a daily television and internet show. “He sent out His word and healed them” Psalm 107:20

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We are a family-run ministry with television, print, and online programs designed to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God’s Word in all ways. The Daily Show is our flagship TV program designed to guide you through the entire Bible in one year. Studies done throughout the US show that almost 1 in 5 churchgoers never read their Bible, and in Canada, it’s more than half. Our mission is to show that God’s Word is powerful, meaningful, and applicable every single day. That it’s living, active, and connects us with the Creator of all things. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to help people discover — or perhaps rediscover — the reason for their faith.
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Join Rod, Janice, Corie and Ryan Hembree as they study the Bible on a daily tv and internet show.

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