Watch Cameroon Radio Television Live TV from Cameroon

Watch Cameroon Radio Television Live TV from Cameroon

General TV Channel / Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV) is a major radio and television broadcasting company in Cameroon. CRTV is a government-controlled radio and television service in Cameroon. It initially started as Cameroon Television (CTV) and later merged with the radio service to become known as CRTV. It covers all the ten regions of Cameroon rendering it the indomitable broadcaster amongst a number of private television stations in the country.

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Its coverage of events is generally viewed as pro-government. On 29 June 2016, Charles Ndongo was named new General Manager of CRTV by a presidential decree. He replaces Ahmadou Valmouke at a time when the country is on the verge of switching to a digital Television Platform. Much of the coverage is done in French, although there is some English programming as well, given that the country is bilingual. CRTV programmes include home-produced documentaries, magazines, news analysis, and imported series from Asia and Brazil.

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Official Account – News and Corporate Cameroon Radio Télévision. Opérateur du service public de l’audiovisuel au Cameroun. Compte Officiel. Actu & Corporate.

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