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Watch Der Aktionär TV Live TV from Germany

Watch Der Aktionär TV Live TV from Germany

Business TV Channel / Der Aktionär TV is a private German Internet – TV channel focusing on stock market and private investment and based in Kulmbach. The shareholder TV AG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kulmbacher Börsenmedien AG by Bernd Förtsch. The transmitter began its operation on August 4, 2006 and was first seen twelve hours a day as Livestream on the Internet.

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From December 2007 additionally between 8:00 and 18:00 clock the free broadcast over Astra and some cable networks took place. Since early 2009, DAF correspondents have reported daily from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In May 2010 the focus was on opinions and recommendations as a result of more interviews and talks.

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DER AKTIONÄR, Deutschlands führendes Börsenmagazin

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