Watch El Capitolio TV Live TV from Venezuela

Watch El Capitolio TV Live TV from Venezuela
General TV Channel / Capitolio TV is a Venezuelan television channel. It has its seat in the Federal Legislative Palace. The channel is owned and operated by the Venezuelan National Assembly. The channel emerged after the old parliament decided to close the National Assembly Television channel because the opposition managed to win the majority of seats in the parliamentary elections of 2015; For that reason it was replaced by National Audiovisual Television Foundation ANTV granting the concession to its workers. Capitolio TV was released on October 7, 2016 through YouTube, and it was planned to open on October 18,2016, however the signal did not air that day due to officials of the Military House Positioned in the adyacencias of the Federal Legislative Palace and a march of sympathizers of the party of government in the vicinity of said palace. finally began broadcasting live on 23 of October of 2016 through streaming on YouTube. Despite having already more than a month of live and uninterrupted transmission, the 29 of November of 2016 was held in the ceremonial hall of the National Assembly of Venezuela the official opening of the channel. Live sign of the National Assembly of Venezuela. The Capitol TV

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