Watch Jewish News One Recorded TV from Israel

Watch Jewish News One Recorded TV from Israel
News TV Channel / Jewish News One, or JN1, was an international news network covering world news with a focus on Judaism-related events. The channel was of Ukrainian origin. Its primary mission was to report Jewish and Israeli current affairs without bias, and according to spokesmen, JN1 could accomplish this because it is an independent, non-profit organisation which does not depend on any nation, government, or political party. Their slogan was Informing Opinion, Expanding horizons. JN1 began broadcasting on 21 September 2011, and organisers called it the first global 24/7 Jewish news channel. However, JN1 was more commonly referred to as the “Jewish al Jazeera”. It was closed in April 2014, being replaced by Ukraine News One. As of April 2015 has become part of

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