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Watch KathTV Live TV from Austria

Watch K-TV katholisches Fernsehen Live TV from Austria

Religious TV Channel / Nowadays, unfortunately, it is not possible any more to every Christian to visit regularly the holy mass. Also the mediation of good Catholic contents comes in many places too briefly. How can Evangelisierung succeed in this time? The digital media are here big help: on Internet KathTV can make the holy mass, retreats and other Catholic contents for everybody and everywhere available. KathTV announces the Gospel on the Internet to announce the loyal faith according to the apprenticeship of the Catholic church and her universal teaching post, to receive and to help to discover anew.

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About the K tv Livestream KathTV transfers all important events with the pope on the Internet live from Rome. KathTV is the videomain entrance for everybody which cannot visit for most different reasons the holy mass which search orientation in the religious life and prayer life or help and suggestion for his deepening and for those who live in the Diaspora. For it exerts itself KathTV daily.

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