Watch Miracle Channel Live TV from Canada

Watch Miracle Channel TV Live TV from Canada

Religious TV Channel / Miracle Channel is television with purpose. It is reaching people with the hope of Christ through contemporary, life-changing programs. In addition to programming from popular ministries such as Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Miracle Channel airs documentaries, talk shows, movies, Canadian news, live programs, children’s shows and four original programs including the award-winning LEON Show.

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“Something for everyone” really sums up the variety of programming offered by Miracle Channel…and it’s all Christian. Miracle Channel has been leading the Christian television industry in Canada since 1996 as the first and still the only all Christian broadcaster. The Miracle Channel is a Christian-based television station based in Lethbridge, Alberta.

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Welcome to the Miracle Channel YouTube Channel! Here you’ll find ALL of our Miracle Channel in-house programs with new videos added weekly! You’ll see that in everything we create, the goal is to share the truth about Jesus so you can experience His love, joy, hope, peace and victory! When you need a pick-me-up, you know where to come. Make sure you subscribe and click the notification bell so you don’t miss a video. Thanks for being here and welcome to the family!
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