Watch NCI Live TV from Cote d’Ivoire

Watch La Nouvelle Chaîne Ivoirienne Live TV from Cote d’Ivoire

General TV Channel / La Nouvelle Chaîne Ivoirienne, better known under the acronym NCI, is the first private Ivorian television channel. The channel is broadcast in Ivory Coast via DTT and cable, in Africa on satellite, and worldwide by IP television and the Web.

After half a century of the public RTI monopoly, four private television channels were authorized to broadcast in Côte d’Ivoire. These were selected following a call for tenders launched in May 2016 by HACA as part of the liberalization of the audiovisual space in the country. From its launch, NCI aims to become one of the most watched channels in Ivory Coast. Its programming is therefore focused on the production of local content. This is a list of shows currently airing on the channel.

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NCI, La Nouvelle Chaîne Ivoirienne is a private Ivorian TV channel, with a generalist positioning, published by La Société Grands Médias (SGM). NCI is news, talk shows with stars, successful films and series, documentaries, reports and premium TV programs to meet the expectations of Ivorians and the diaspora. La Nouvelle Chaîne Ivoirienne is available on Ivorian TNT (channel 4), CANAL+ bouquets (channel 204), ORANGE TV and on our website NCI, it’s happening here!

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NCI est la chaîne TV généraliste qui propose des programmes majoritairement produits en Côte d’Ivoire

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