Watch OKTO 8 TV Live TV from Austria

Watch OKTO 8 TV Live TV from Austria
Entertainment TV Channel / The Okto TV channel is a participatory television station in Vienna , which is committed to the idea of citizen television . Legally speaking, it is a private TV station. Okto is Austria’s first non-commercial TV station . In 2010, a similar channel was launched in DORF in Upper Austria. In 2012, the Community TV FS1 in Salzburg was broadcasting.The predecessor was TIV. The program is oriented to groups, which are “underrepresented in the Austrian media landscape”. The Octo program guidelines are used as a basis. The cooperation in the program design as a voluntary producer is not paid. Since the transmitter is intended as a communication platform for Vienna, anyone who wants to participate can submit a broadcasting concept for serial production over a period of about 1/2 year, after completing the basic workshop and the production A “zero number”.

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