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Watch QTV Gambia Live TV from Gambia

Watch QTV Gambia Live TV from Gambia

General TV Channel / QTV is the first private licensed Television station in The Gambia, launched in November 2017. QTV’s programming focuses on informative, educational and entertaining productions intertwined with Gambian values. One of the major keywords of QTV’s programming is “interactive” as we ensure that the viewing public is able to relate to our programs. Our forums will be to promote dialogue and diverse viewpoints with a view to help in promoting national development.

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QTV is focused on The Gambia, its people, education, sports, arts and entertainment. Our programme reflects local viewpoints, activities and diverse voices that are not being heard. QTV’s goal is to provide high quality news and current affairs programming based on International standards that will be fair and balanced. The objective of QTV is to deliver programmes that inspire change and appeals to viewers.

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QRADIO – THE NEW VOICE OF THE GAMBIA. QRadio is the latest addition to the QGroup family. Service broadcaster licensed under Core Broadcasting & Multimedia to operate its Radio Station in The Gambia. QRadio can be heard throughout The Gambia & beyond and our high-quality programming includes music, talk shows, news, special interest shows as well as links to QTV’s broadcasts.

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At QTV Gambia, we don’t just break the news but we break it down for you.
Gambia’s First Private TV

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