Watch Samanyolu TV Recorded TV from Turkey

Watch Samanyolu TV Recorded TV from Turkey
News TV Channel / Samanyolu TV was an international Turkish language TV station, with its headquarters in Istanbul. Samanyolu TV was previously owned by Yayıncılık A.Ş. Yayıncılık A.Ş. is a media company that operates radio and television broadcasting, publication and distribution of newspapers. The first satellite service for Samanyolu TV was aired towards Central Asia. Samanyolu TV proceeded into North America by 1999, with Turksat as its new mainstream satellite operator. Samanyolu TV has later created two official websites for Turkish origins of both, North American audiences, and Turkish audiences. These two websites also include online streaming (“CANLI YAYIN”) and social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in 2005-2013. On 19 July 2016, its license was revoked and the channel closed by the Radio and Television Supreme Council due to alleged links with the Gülen Movement following the 2016 Turkish coup d’état attempt.

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