Watch Sol TV Live TV from Peru

Watch Sol TV Live TV from Peru

General TV Channel / Sol Television or Sol TV is a Peruvian television station, which transmits its signal since 2003, from Trujillo city for Peru. The channel belongs to the company Cruzado Saucedo. It was the first regional channel airing in the city of Trujillo. Sol TV is one of the most watched channels on regional television.

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Since 2003, more than 08 years without interruption, was the first channel to air in the city of Trujillo. Transmits and sponsors the “International Spring Festival,” the “Marinera Festival”, etc. This channel has also a programming including news important as presidential and municipal elections, movies and local programs, etc.

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Sol Tv es la cadena televisiva más grande del norte del Perú.

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Te brindamos la información mas importante del Norte del Perú.


Sol Tv es la cadena televisiva más grande del norte del Perú. Estamos presentes en Tumbes, Piura, Chiclayo, Cajamarca, Huaraz, Trujillo,Pacasmayo,Chepén y Virú.

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