Watch TeleCuracao Live TV from Bonaire

Watch TeleCuraçao PJC-TV Live TV from Bonaire

General TV Channel / TeleCuraçao is a television station that broadcasts in analog on NTSC channel 8 in Curaçao, with a repeater in Bonaire on channel 16. The station was founded on July 31, 1960, as the Netherlands Antilles’ first television station. American broadcaster Gerald Bartell founded the station with the assistance of the local government, and assisted Telearuba in starting up later on. At one point, the station had expanded across the remaining ABC islands with repeaters (such as on Aruba).

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Initially, the station aired mostly American series (such as Gunsmoke), with local news, but gradually began producing more and more of its own programming, to rely less on American imports, and cater more to local tastes. As part of Curaçao’s digital television transition in 2013, TeleCuraçao added a digital simulcast on UHF 26 in DVB-T, with two additional subchannels.

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Bon biní na page di TeleCuraçao. The National TV station from Curacao. On air since 1960

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