Watch VTV Live TV from Honduras

Watch VTV Live TV from Honduras

General TV Channel / VTV, also known as Vica TV , is a television channel from Honduras. Founded in 1985 1 by broadcasting entrepreneur Jorge Sikaffy, VTV initially operated channels 2 in San Pedro Sula and 9 in Tegucigalpa under the name Voice and Image of Central America (VICA). In 2002, his name is changed to Vica Televisión, changing his programming influencing national programming in youth, foreign programs, animated series and films.

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In the seasons 2008-2009 he bought the rights of the UEFA Champions League sharing with the Televicentro Corporation. In 2014, he had the rights to broadcast World Cup matches in Brazil. In 2015, it acquired rights of Spanish series of Televisión Española and Antena 3. While in 2016 he had the rights to broadcast the Olympic Games in Rio.

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Canal de Televisión en Honduras con la programación para todos en las frecuencias 9,2,13, y 3 para

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