Watch TVP Info Live TV from Poland

Watch TVP Info Live TV from Poland

News TV Channel / TVP Info is a Polish news channel, run by the public broadcaster TVP. It is dedicated to information programmes, airing nationwide news bulletins from 6:00 to 0:00 CET (during special events it may broadcast live longer, for example it broadcast live US-presidentials debates at 3:00 Polish time). Its main offices are located at the TVP news compound in central Warsaw.

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TVP Info can be watched on terrestrial television (since October 2016 in HD) and cable networks. TVP Info replaced TVP3 and was launched October 2007. It had regional branches in most of the major Polish cities and, similarly to the France 3 in France or Rai Tre in Italy, for couple of hours every day it broadcast regional programming, including local news and reports in sixteen versions. These were transferred to the revived TVP Regionalna (which later was renamed TVP3 again) in September 2013.

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