Watch VIVE TV Live TV from Venezuela

Watch VIVE TV Live TV from Venezuela

News TV Channel / ViVe (Visión Venezuela) is a cultural television network funded by the Venezuelan national government that was inaugurated on November 11, 2003 and whose objective consists of spreading information related to achievements made by Hugo Chávez’s political process and the encouragement of Venezuela’s culture. Recently, the Venezuelan government has been working towards making ViVe’s signal be seen in all of the country, by acquiring new equipment, antennas, and adequate installations.

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ViVe maintains its goal of showing the work of independent producers, and keeps self-financed productions aimed at showing the realities of Venezuelan people “From the inside”, in form of short documentaries with a bare-bones approach, therefore needing little production skills to show un-edited versions of the facts, showed off by their own characters.

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Primer canal educativo, recreativo y cultural de Venezuela

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